Au Revoir…..
Gabrielle ‘Abbey’ Beguhl from Minnesota has been with us here in Murhur N.S. since March as part of the Student Teaching Abroad programme at the University of Wisconsin – River Falls. During her time with us she worked in all the classrooms and was a great asset to the teachers and children. She was always eager to take on any task we gave her. She taught numerous lessons and gave us a great insight into the American way of life. Her forte was History, Geography and Art – American style! She helped with supervision, and the preparation for First Holy Communion. She was a willing and enthusiastic participant in the three school tours. She accompanied children to football matches and was another very welcome pair of hands at swimming classes. Gabrielle had a great rapport with all the children and it was refreshing to see such dedication from a future educator.
Before Gabrielle left our school the children put on a little concert for her – Irish Style. The Scór Ballad Group sang and the ceoltóirí played some nice tunes. The dancers put on a great show! Diarmuid told us about the day he scored an ‘own goal’! We even had a joke or two!
The children presented Gabrielle with a ‘Tommy Moloney‘ inspired keepsake depicting the link between Minnesota and Moyvane which they had all signed.
Slán a Gabrielle – Go n-éirí an bóthar leat!