
Procedural Writing

2nd 3rd and 4th explored group ‘Procedural Writing’ this week. They described how to play soccer, basketball, how to make flurry slime and even how to make friends with the monster under the bed!!


As part of Science, Geography and SPHE recently 5th and 6th class engaged in a very interesting Webinar on Aquaculture. They learned how aquaculture is the farming of animals and plants in the water. They also explored Salmon, Mussel and Oyster farming. Very informative!

Admission Notice

We are already looking forward to welcoming our newest Junior Infants to our school in September 2021!

From Monday 9th November 2020 we will be accepting Admission Application Forms for Junior Infants hoping to attend Murhur NS in September 2021. This is as per our school’s Admission Notice.

If you have any questions or queries relating to your child attending Murhur NS please do not hesitate to contact or (068) 49522.

Visit to Lime Kiln

5th and 6th take advantage of the beautiful weather and explore the local Lime Kiln. This wonderful feature in our community helps us in our learning!

Maths Week 2020

Coinciding with Maths Week 2020, 5th and 6th Classes went on a Maths Trail!  They used lots of mathematical skills from Numbers to Shapes and Space, from Measures to Data!!  We are so lucky to be able to use the environment to help us to learn!!


New Words

Senior Infants and First Class enjoy making new words!

We love to read

Some brand new library books! Children were delighted to see some of their favourite authors among the new stock!

Autumn Art

2nd, 3rd and 4th kept the autumnal theme going with their forest paintings!

Van Gogh!

Autumn Art in 5th and 6th class was inspired by the work of Vincent Van Gogh. His painting ‘Into the Woods’ was used as a stimulus for the children to create their own interpretations!

Mask Selfies!

‘The eyes are the window to the soul’ and this is so important these days with  much of our faces covered with masks. The pupils of 2nd, 3rd and 4th made their own masked selfies which opened out to reveal their true, fun, talented and energetic selves!


Art Class in the sun

2nd 3rd and 4th made the most of the beautiful Indian Summer during their outdoor art lesson.


European School Sports Day

5th & 6th had their hearts racing after completing a mile of the school while competing tightly against one another!



Looking forward to lovely colourful flowers in springtime!


The 2nd, 3rd and 4th classes enjoy practising mindfulness and yoga each day. There are various different poses involved such as the Tree, the Triangle, Stretch Armstrong, the Pigeon and the Chair to name but a few!  So good for our bodies and our minds!!

Well-being lesson – 5th & 6th

Children enjoyed a lesson on Well-being  while outdoors on a beautiful sunny day recently. They took a stroll through our beautiful woodland walk, enjoying the scenery while observing the various different types of trees and leaves.

Art Class 5th & 6th

Self-portraits were done for Art class this week!  Can you recognise anyone?