Brian Kiely – a member of Moyvane Badminton Club coaching children!
Problem Solving…..
21st century problem solving at its finest at Murhur N.S. 4th Class pupils working together to explore logic sequencing and space orientation through use of ‘bee-bots’. Thanks to Tralee Education Centre for access to these resources.
Engineers Week – Building Bridges
Engineering education incorporates engineering skills into the Curriculum!
World Book Day – 2019
We celebrated World Book Day on Thursday 7th March. Over the last 22 years, World Book Day has become firmly established as Ireland’s biggest annual event promoting the enjoyment of books and reading. The main aim is to encourage children to explore the pleasure of books and reading by providing them with an opportunity to have a book of their own. Some children dressed up as a character from their favourite book!
Pancake Tuesday 2019
Lots of ‘flipping’ going on on Tuesday 5th March. Children enjoyed making and eating pancakes – yummy. Thanks to the Parents’ Association especially Caroline and Mary Ita who were there to ‘lend a hand’ as usual!
Clothes Collection
Our next used clothes collection for school funds is on Thursday 11th April. All clean clothes, handbags, belts, shoes in pairs, bed linen (pillow cases, sheets, duvet covers) accepted. Pillows or duvets not accepted!
Caring & Sharing!
Lucy McEvoy 3rd class donated 11 inches of her hair to “Little Princess Trust”…. this can be used to help make wigs for children who have lost their hair due to cancer. Great girl Lucy!
Students’ Council
Introducing our new Student Council! These boys & girls from 6th class have been busy the past few weeks coming up with some fantastic ideas to help brighten up our school and improve school life for everybody. We can’t wait to hear what plans ye have in store!
Grandparents’ Day 2019
On Monday 18th February we extended a very warm welcome to all our grandparents. We had a lovely mass in the church celebrated by Fr. Kevin who spoke thoughtfully about grandparents and the important part they play in the lives of their grandchildren. After mass all visited the school where the Parents’ Association provided some tasty treats for all. A big thank-you to them! The grandparents visited the classrooms, chatted with the children and admired their work on display! Grandparent Noreen told a story about what life was like when she was a child going to school! A very enjoyable morning was had by all!
Green Flag – Energy Action Day
It was all go today for our ‘Energy Action Day’ as part of Green-schools programme. Children enjoyed a workshop funded by SEAI – Sustainable Energy Authority Ireland. A huge thank you to Shona Gray of Killarney National Park & Education/Heritage Centre for giving great lessons and doing fun experiments and games with all the children! All our children showed off ‘their’ energy & really brightened the day with their fantastic colours!! Fingers crossed for our 2nd Green Flag!
Green School
‘Working hard to save a Watt’ – 2nd Green Flag in sight!!
Yesterday 4th February we had our Assessment/Renewal Visit to achieve our 2nd Green Flag! This flag is for working on the theme of ‘Energy’. Angela Wall came to assess us and was given a lovely presentation by the children on the Green School’s Committee. We showed her the work that we do in the school to make everyone aware of the energy usage in the school and how to reduce this energy where possible. The Committee went through the 7-step process and Angela went away very happy with us! We hope our application will be successful.
Christmas Concert 2018
Wednesday the 19th December was a busy day in our school. Christmas Jumper day created a great seasonal atmosphere and collected much needed money for SVP Radio Kerry Appeal. Buíochas mór to Terry at Holly’s Gala for the children’s selection boxes and Míle Buíochas to all who sponsored prizes for the concert draws. On the night our Concert as usual showed the vast and varied amount of talent there is in our school and parish. Some children having grown in experience and confidence over the past few years excelled in all they did and looked almost as if they were ‘born for the stage’. Others having stepped out of their ‘comfort zone’ for the first time were a little daunted! Encouraged and supported by their teachers they quickly bounced back into the spirit of the occasion…….. The stars of the future…….
Interesting scientific facts!
Experiment 1
Making a Lave Lamp
In this experiment the children explored the term ‘Molecular Polarity‘ and what it means. Due to the structure of the two different molecules, it does not allow them to bond together hence the clear division of the vegetable oil and the water. Oil floated to the top as it is less dense than water.
Experiment 2
Starch Iodine Test
This experiment was carried out on 10 foods to determine whether they contained starch. We used iodine to detect the presence of starch in food!
Experiment 3
Soda Geyser
A reaction between the carbonated beverage Diet Coke and Mentos Mints!
It caused the beverage to spray out of the container. Gas is released by the Mentos which creates an eruption.
Holly’s Gala Support
On behalf of Murhur N.S. Moyvane, we wish to acknowledge the €1000 donation recently received from Holly’s Gala. This was greatly appreciated and was used to help finance the installation of an Access Control System installed by BBM Secure Ltd. We are very grateful for their continued support.
Ní neart go cur le chéile
Team Hope Shoebox Appeal 2018
Our school took part in the Christmas Shoebox Appeal again this year. The most wonderful aspect of this project is that the children get to share their Christmas with children for whom Christmas is just like any other day of the year. Many live in difficult situations and the shoebox gift can bring happiness and joy at this time of year.
A big thank-you to all who participated!
JEP Programme 2018
Watch this space everybody!!! Here is my group of budding entrepreneurs for the Junior Entrepreneur Programme of 2018/2019!! Looking forward to an exciting few weeks!!
Mrs. Curtin
Halloween dress-up 2018
We held a Halloween ‘Non-Uniform’ day on Thursday 25th October to support Brú Columbanus. This very worthy charity provides ‘home from home’ accommodation for the relatives of seriously ill patients in Cork Hospitals and Hospice, especially relatives of sick children. All gave generously on the day. Children and adults had lots of fun!
Yoga – in Junior/Senior Infants
We started yoga in September. Every Wednesday and Friday we are trying out different yoga poses from Downward Dog to Butterfly to Cobra! It is all new to us, even to teacher! but we are enjoying it. At the end we have some meditation to ‘escape to complete relaxation’ for a few minutes before returning to our busy classroom.
Nature trail/Autumn Walk
Junior/Senior infants go on a nature trail in the woods near our school look what they found
That all Important Milestone
Today was the first day at ‘Big’ school for our new Junior Infants as they embarked on their journey through the formal Education system.
Parents may have had mixed emotions but our 6 girls and 5 boys quickly settled as they enjoyed each others’ company and explored all the varied activities and interesting challenges presented by their ‘múinteoir’ Erika.